We went as a couple, Leeloo and Korben Dallas. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fifth Element ID Badge Multi Pass Korben Dallas Costume Prop Cosplay at the best online prices.
#Corbin dallas multipass movie#
În primul rând, permitei-mi s spun, Al cincilea element este de departe filmul meu preferat din toate timpurile. The Korben Dallas costume: This costume is based on Bruce Willis’ character from the movie The Fifth Element. Major Dallas has seen better days, since now he's living in a shoebox driving a beat-up taxi (especially now with that skylight!), but it's your chance to take charge again and save the universe while also falling in love with a weapon/alien/god-like power being, who despite her power happens to be absolutely adorable ("moolti-pass!"). Luc Besson spune doar (într-un interviu AMA ) c s mai mare i mai bun decât un card de credit. Meet your own Leeloo ("moolti-pass!") when you dress up in your very own Korben Dallas costume. Makes sense, right? Of course you finally meet this beautiful woman who would be absolutely perfect for you, but she doesn't speak English ("moolti-pass!") and on top of that she seems to be wanted by just about everybody on the planet, including these two weird priests. That's how you make Captain Planet), the only weapon which can defeat the Great Evil. BIN - Buy it now 1. Corbin Dallas Multipass Costume Ok so I never do halloween and then for no reason at all I decided after years of being 'that guy' at my friends yearly halloween blow-out to finally go as Corbin dallas and I think I've got it all set up except for 1 issue and I'm hoping for help. Leeloo is actually the Fifth Element (oops, spoiler alert there. Game Auction Min - Minimum bid must be met to open bidding. How often has this happened to you? You're driving along in your space taxi, minding your own business, when a woman in what looks like a really bad mummy costume crashes through your roof! Right? And you're like, hey lady, that's going to cost you! But it turns out that strangely dressed woman (who has the shock bright orange hair) isn't a human woman at all, but actually a- hang on, is Leeloo a woman still? Or is she an alien? You know what, doesn't matter. Lol, I tried to leave that unchecked but it was just stupid. "Moolti-pass! Korben Dallas, moolti-pass." Id think not knowing about the 'use best attack' checkbox would have turned more people off after they kept slapping people with a giant battleaxe.