The name of an instrument made of smooth bone, and used formerly for piercing or killing an unborn child. an instrument made of smooth bone, formerly used for abortion, lancing, or bleeding.

Ke ā nui, ke ā iki big jaw, little jaw (ON 1681)Ī s.

ʻaiāmanō eat like a shark, have a prodigious appetite ā- simulative ligature in the sequence 'verb + noun' compounds particle for forming verb compounds like, similar to. spelling of ā₄, when, at the time when, until, to, as far as, and, or. 9.6.1) PPN *ʻa.Ī₂ abbreviation of ʻākau, north, as in surveying reports.Ī₃ and, when, until, to, etc. This a forms part of the possessives, as in kaʻu, mine, and kāna, his. Aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai ak al am an ao ap ar as at au av aw az