An example would be perhaps a trader, where you can trade certain ingredients for more hard to get or less common ones. With that being said, I do quite like the story that Wytchwood tells, I just wish there were some quality of life improvements. When you aren’t doing that, then you’re backtracking to various areas to make sure you have the required ingredients, and stockpiling other commonly used ones so you don’t run out. You quickly realize that the gameplay boils down to talking to NPC’s, just to figure out what they want from you so you can craft the requisite item and move forward. The big issue I have though is that the gameplay gets very repetitive after a while.
This may tell you useful information about how to approach various tasks or overcome various obstacles. This lets you inspect your surroundings, along with the enemies and NPC’s around you. Instead, every creature has some sort of weakness that you can uncover using the “Witch’s eye” mechanic.

You may need an axe to chop lumber and dismember beasts, while you may need a trowel or some other instrument to harvest other items.

The story is interesting though, and as you progress you get new tools with which to take on the various harvesting tasks and enemies. In essence, it is a lot of crafting, material harvesting, rinse and repeat. Most of the quests are fetch quests, you either go and get ingredients to make a potion that lets you solve a problem, or you go and do various tasks, which may require you to use the Witch’s spells and potions to solve puzzles.